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Results for "Latitude 63.6117706, Longitude -149.5708771"

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British America
Wells County 1881

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H.H. Hardesty 1881
The World Map with Principal Cities of the Old World
Fillmore County 1896

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Geo. A. Ogle & Co. 1896
Alaska 18xx Territory Map
Alaska 18xx Territory Map

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Unattributed 18xx
Map of North America, Constructed According to the Latest Information, by H.S. Tanner, 1839
Alaska Boundary Tribunal Atlas 1903 Maps from 1795 to 1903

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Govt. Publication 1903
World Map
Rooks County 1904 to 1905

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Geo. A. Ogle & Co. 1904
World Map
Guthrie County 1917c

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Kenyon Company 1917c